Hi Tom,

next snippet of the breakdown comes here.

Greetings, Tobias
<?xml version="1.0"?>
$RCSfile: $
last change: $Revision: $ $Author: $ $Date: $

(c)2003 by the copyright holders listed with the author-tags.
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<snippet language="Java" application="Office">


	<author id="tobiaskrais" initial="false" email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" copyright="Use it and copy it">Tobias Krais</author>

<question heading="Open Document from URL">How to open a document from URL

<listing>   /**
     * A specified document is loaded. 
     * @param source_File
     * @return
    public void openDocument(String source_File)
        // Query the XComponentLoader interface from the desktop Object.
        // See this snippet how to get the desktop Object: {%internal ../Office/Office.BootstrapOpenOffice.snip}
        XComponentLoader xComponentLoader = (XComponentLoader)
                UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, desktop);

        PropertyValue[] myProperties = new PropertyValue[1];
            myProperties[0] = new PropertyValue();
            myProperties[0].Name = &quot;Hidden&quot;;
            // for open document and do not show user interface use &quot;true&quot;
            myProperties[0].Value = new Boolean(false);

        // Load a given document
            openDocument = xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
                    createUNOFileURL(source_File),  // For createUNOFileURL see: {%internal ../Office/Office.CreateUNOCompatibleURL.snip}
                    &quot;_blank&quot;,                       // New windos
                    0,                              // Is ignored
                    myProperties);            // Special properties
        catch(Exception e)
            System.out.println(&quot;OpenOffice runs, but error opening document:&quot;);

	<version number="1.1.x" status="tested"/>
	<version number="2.0.x" status="tested"/>

<operating-system name="All"/>

	<change author-id="tobiaskrais" date="2006-03-27">Initial version</change>


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