Hi together,

> I found the BASIC examlpe. I want to translate it to Java but have a
> starting problem. Maybe you can help me.
> I cite you:
> -----%<-----
> REM  *****  BASIC  *****
> REM  *** Example to set a keyboard shortcut with the new ui
> REM  *** configuration API
> Sub Main
>     REM *** Initialize constants. See IDL file
>     REM com.sun.star.awt.KeyEvent
>     REM com.sun.star.awt.KeyModifier
>     REM com.sun.star.awt.Key
>     MODIFIER_MOD1  = 2
>     MODIFIER_MOD2  = 4
>     KEY_F10        = 777
>     REM *** Retrieve the global accelerator configuration manager
>     oGlobalAccelCfgMgr =
>       createUnoService("com.sun.star.ui.GlobalAcceleratorConfiguration")
>     REM *** Retrieve the module configuration manager from central
>     REM *** module configuration manager supplier
>     oModuleCfgMgrSupplier = createUnoService(
>         "com.sun.star.ui.ModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier")
> -----%<-----
> How can I get the oGlobalAccelCfgMgr? I tried:
> -----%<-----
> // Condition: XComponentContext xRemoteContext
> Object test = xRemoteServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
>     "com.sun.star.ui.GlobalAcceleratorConfiguration", xRemoteContext);
> com.sun.star.uno.XInterface xInterface = (com.sun.star.uno.XInterface)
>                     UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
>                     GlobalAcceleratorConfiguration.class,
>                     test);
> -----%<-----
> The createInstance... works out, but how to go on?
> Would you please give me a hint?

here I found some hints:

Greetings, Tobias

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