Alexandro Colorado wrote:

> A feature that might make IDE better is integrated to Xray or PyXray on a  
> way that can autocomplete the methods however basic itself is limited  
> within the UNO framework. 

This is an oversimplification and an overcomplication at the same time.
:-) Wether you can have autocompletion or not is not a matter of the
language or their binding to UNO or not, it's a matter of the type system.

Autocompletion needs static typing, means: you must know the type of an
object to be able to autocomplete written code to the methods of the object.

So if you want autocompletion in a programming language you must
integrate static typing into it. This is possible with *every*
programming language, even with Basic.

OTOH exactly Basic programmers don't like static typing (means: they
don't like typing their variables at all ;-)), so you have to make a

As I already suggested in [EMAIL PROTECTED]: offering *optional* static
typing would allow us to implementing autocompletion in the BasicIDE for
all developers that take this option, means something like

dim doc as
doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFomURL(...)

instead of

dim doc
doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFomURL(...)

would enable the IDE to autocomplete the code if the user starts to type

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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