Kent Gibson wrote:

> thanks for the details. What you said about adding a
> model to the media descriptor seems very interesting.
> However it does not seem to be documented. I tried
> something quickly along these lines:
> XModel model = ( XModel ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
> XModel.class, connection.getTextDocument());
> PropertyValue prop1 = new PropertyValue();
> prop1.Name = "Model"; 
> prop1.Value = model;
> loadedComponent =
> frameComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(
> "private:stream", "_self", 0, args );
> and I get 
> URL seems
> to be an unsupported one.

It seems that OOo tries to do a type detection though this is
superfluous here. I will check this. Meanwhile you could try to provide
a valid stream here to workaround the problem (it will not be used for

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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