Fernand Vanrie wrote:

> Placing  an embedded -grahpic  into a WriterDoc (with the GUI or withe
> the API) gives different results depending if  you  placed it as  a
> linked-graphic or and embedded-graphic.
> Embedded gives us  the orinal dimensions (as difined in the
> Imagefile-header)  gives us the correct "orginal-size" , the image had a
> "scale of "100%" and a correct "image-size "
> Linked gives us the a  wrong "orginal size" (based on 96 DPI)  a
> "scaling"  with a percentage to optain a correct  "image size" !! Is
> this behabior wanted or is it a bug ?

Sounds like a bug to me. I suggest creating an issue.

> Before we place the image we can resize and  reformat the graphic and
> define if we "embed" or "link" the grahic.  I tried different ways to
> acomplish this task, it can be done, opening a hidden drawdoc and then
> place the grapic as a Shade,  and finaly "exporting" the drawpage using
> the filteroptions to re-size and re-format the imagefile. To avoid the
> hidden drawdoc i tryed differend ways to acomplis  the same task:
> Using the "GrapchicProvider.storeGraphic"  and defining the MIMEtype was
> a prommesing option , I can do the re-formating,  but i found noway to
> re-size the imagefile, there exist some filteroptions  but found noware
> any documentation.
> Exporting  the "Shape" instead of the DrawPage   "with a filter" avoid
> the use of  a hidden DrawDoc , works the "filtername" gives us the right
> format  but:  the filter ignorges the re-sizing options.
> Exporting the Writer-Drawpage let crashes OO (no  pagesize i supose)

I have to admit that I don't understand what you are trying to achieve.
You started writing about inserting graphics and that you have some
problems with it, but now you talk about storing graphics. Do I
understand you correctly that storing graphics isn't your real goal, you
just do it as part of a workaround to overcome limitations for the
resizing/reformatting options? If that is correct: what would you really
like to do, without any workarounds?

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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