Hi Kent,

> I am still having a running battle with getting the
> actual height of a frame.
> I thought I had a workaround, but it is buggy, or
> probably I am doing something wrong.
> If I never mess with the selection then it works. But
> as soon as I start setting the selection, it stops
> working.
> It fails on goto range. I have tried passing goto
> range every type of conceivable cursor or range, and I
> always get com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException: no text
> selection.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> What about a slightly different approach? For example,
> if I make the textframe selected is there no way I can
> get its height throught the dispatcher? The height is
> there in the statusbar.

There is only one working solution, to introduce a new property:

It should work when the mentioned CWS got integrated.
This will probably take some weeks since I'm still using it to fix bugs.


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