Jens Beier wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use MailMerge to fill a letter with data from a datasource
> and save it as PDF.
> I'm using the setupConnection() and the doMerge() methods from
> I'm getting the XComponentContext and the XMultiComponentFactory. Based
> on this I can geht the MailMerge-service. Then I set the
> Mailmerge-properties and execute the XJob.
> Everything works fine except that OpenOffice does not close the
> temporary file it uses for this job.
> So what do I have to do to get the temporary file closed? Do I have to
> close any special service or interface? In all examples I have found in
> the Developer Guide and in forums nobody seems to close something after
> executing MailMerge.
> I'm using OpenOffice 2.0.2 on a Solaris box. Solaris has a limitation to
> the number of open files.
> When I execute the Job several hundred times I'm getting the following
> error when reaching the limitation of open files:
> I/O error : Too many open files
> I/O warning : failed to load external entity
> "/export/home/asaadm/.openoffice.org2/user/config/javasettings_Solaris_x86.xml"
> [Java framework] Error in function copyShareSettings (elements.cxx).
> and the PDF which is generated only contains symbols like rectangles,...
> I'm running out of ideas so could anyone help me? Thanks

I'm afraid that this is a bug.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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