Andreas Schlüns wrote:

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

Dim oProp(0) As New
oProp(0).Name  = "InputStream" : oProp(0).Value = oStream
REM oProp(1).Name  = "ReadOnly"    : oProp(1).Value = True
REM oProp(2).Name  = "FilterName"  : oProp(2).Value = "writer8"
StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromUrl("private:stream", "_blank", 0, oProp())

When I try this, however, soffice locks up and I have to manually kill soffice.

The closest that I could find to a solution is in Java, but it uses a
The speculation is that the XInputStream does not support XSeekable.

An "InputStream" property of the MediaDescriptor has to support XSeekable also. Otherwhise OOo cant deal with it.
But normaly that shouldn't produce a "locked" office instance.
The load request should fail.

But a locked office can be produced by the content you try to load.
Might be the used filter does not match to the type of content you wish to load. You said that you tried to load a Base document ... but you use a writer filter ("writer8"). That can produce trouble.

I store a Write document into a Base document. I am storing Binary date in a Base Document, which uses the internal database. I know how to use a macro to open the file, read the file into a byte array and store the document into the database. I also know how to get the data out of the Base document and store it back onto disk using a normal stream.

What I want to do, is to extract the Write document from the database (Base) and then open it for editing. I can store the Write document on disk and then load it from disk, but I am trying to skip that step. I obtain a stream as follows:

 oResult = oStatement.executeQuery(sSQL)
 If Not IsNull(oResult) Then
   oStream = oResult.getBinaryStream(1)
 End If

I can not use this stream to open the document because it does not support XSeekable. From Basic, I can obtain an array of bytes, but I do not know how to use that to open the document directly.


a) Let your stream provide the interface XSeekable.

In Java, I can use the to convert a byte array to an appropriate stream, but this does not appear to be available in Basic.
Perhaps this is a problem that can not be solved directly using Basic.

b) Use another filter or dont specify any filter so loadComponentFromURL() can search for it's own one.

I have tried specifying, and not specifying, the filter.

c) Try to load several other contents, to make sure that your problem is not related to these.

This I have not tried; yet! I can, however, extract and save the files to disk with no problem, but I know that I can not load the document using the stream directly because I inspected the stream and it does not support XSeekable. After I figure out how to create or obtain a stream that supports XSeekable, then I will try other types of content.


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