Oliver Brinzing wrote:

> Am 07.08.2006 08:41 schrieb Andreas Schlüns:
>> If you wish to force a synchronous execution of your dispatch you should
>> try the argument "Asynchron" as [bool] with a valud "false".
> are you sure, this works ?
> I can see no difference ... the preview is not closed even if I use
>         xProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
>         xProps[0].Name = "Asynchron";
>         xProps[0].Value = Boolean.FALSE;
>         Object oDispatch = xDispatch.executeDispatch(xProvider, 
> ".uno:ClosePreview"l, "", 0, xProps);

The name of the property is "SynchronMode" and of course its value must
be set to "True" in case you want to have synchronous execution.

Closing a view synchronously is a little bit risky. If the code is
executed from a call stack that was started somewhere inside a VCL
resource (e.g. a toolbar) it *could* lead to a crash. So you have to try
out if it works.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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