Hi all

The OOoCon meeting on Extensions Project will occur on monday 14:00

The Extensions project has been proposed last year at Koper and been setup some month later. Valuable work occured and the wiki is up and starts to be filled.

The proposed meeting will cover the following points, involving all participants

    * State of the project

* Started work : what is currently developped (especially in Hamburg) ? When will it be ready ? Do we have to wait or should we propose an intermediate solution ... * they're will be a NetBeans integration presentation of the current state and outlook
        * online update of extension
        * licensing of extension
        * ...

* Express and formalize the needs : Help mechanism, new UNO controls (treeview, enhanced lists), deployement of addons at installation time ...

* Translations : pages of the wiki are in english. Is the translation mechanism proposed sufficient ?

    * Pending projects : prebuilt wizards, Extension Translation framework

    * Volunteers questions regarding the organization of the project

* Proposal : organize an annual developpers meeting (coding sprint) to push particular aspects of the project (installer, pre-built wizards, Extension translation framework, documentations and starting guides ... )
    * Any point and discussion regarding Extensions project

All the point discussed will be recorded and a synthesis of all discussion will be relayed to involved project (Framework, installer, l10n ...)

Feel free to add any point or comment on this schedule

Thanks and see you on monday


Laurent Godard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Ingénierie OpenOffice.org
Indesko >> http://www.indesko.com
Nuxeo CPS >> http://www.nuxeo.com - http://www.cps-project.org
Livre "Programmation OpenOffice.org", Eyrolles 2004

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