Julien Galand wrote:

Le 3 nov. 06, à 09:59, Carsten Driesner a écrit :

Julien Galand wrote:
Hi to all,
My add-on has a toolbar created by a .xcu file, with the right protocol handler declared (as a node "org.openoffice.Office.ProtocolHandler/HandlerSet" of the configuration file). But there is no component registration in the package; in particular no registration of the implementation of the service of the protocol handler. Instead, the service of the protocol handler is registered dynamically by the executable component of my add-on, therefore necessarily LATER than OO's reading of the .xcu file. => The toolbar items are shown disabled, probably because the protocol handler service couldn't be instanciated at the time the toolbar was created. Is there a way to ask OO to re-scan the toolbar items to bind them to the protocol handler, which will likely make them enabled ?
Thank you if you have some hint...
Hi Julien,

I think the best solution would be to register your service before any user interface element is created. This can be done by a Job which will be activated on application startup. Nevertheless if you want to re-scan toolbar items, you can use the com.sun.star.ui.XUIElementSettings interface. It's available for all configurable user interface elements (menubar, toolbar, statusbar). See the following Basic macro

Hi Carsten,

It seems that a toolbar created by a .xcu file isn't considered as "configurable". It doesn't appear in the list returned by XLayoutManager.getElements.
It is maybe only a UIElement service instead of ConfigurableUIElement.
I am sorry that I cannot tell you more information, a colleague is working on this and he has decided to give up that path because of this failure.
But would you know where we have failed ?

Hi Julien,

You want to re-scan a add-on toolbar? Ok, that's why my "solution" doesn't work. An add-on toolbar is not stored in the user interface configuration, it's a part of the normal OpenOffice.org configuration. Therefore it's not a ConfigurableUIElement. The only solution for this would be to destroy and create the toolbar again via layout manager (see Basic macro below)

REM  *****  BASIC  *****
Sub Main
    REM *** Initialize strings
    sToolbar = "private:resource/toolbar/addon_<name of your toolbar>"

    REM *** Retrieve the desktop service
    oDesktop = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop")

    REM *** Retrieve the current frame and layout manager
    REM *** Just for a quick example ***
    oCurrFrame = oDesktop.getCurrentFrame()
    oLayoutManager = oCurrFrame.LayoutManager

    REM *** Destroy and create tool bar to refresh content
    oLayoutManager.destroyElement( sToolbar )
    oLayoutManager.createElement( sToolbar )
End Sub

What about my other proposed solution? Use a job and register your service before any UI is visible.


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