Hello joan,

Hi everybody,

I managed to put openoffice.org into an applet, but sometimes when I
close the applet there's this soffice.bin process still alive. Is it
normal? Is there a way to clear the memory, kill it, etc. through the

Yes - that is normal. There wont be an "automatic shutdown" if you script an office via API. You have to terminate it explicitly.

Please use the one instance service "com.sun.star.frame.Desktop".
It's interface method XDesktop.terminate() will try to terminate the office. "Try" means: modifgied documents will show the well known message box (saving ? yes/no) ... even a quickstarter can hinder these method on doing it's job. But under normal circumstances it will do the same then "File->Exit".

Another "kill" without any UI, ignoring modified documents etcpp. does not exists ... excepting "kill -sighup <processid>" .-)



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