Hi Carsten,

>> Second solution: I can extend the CommandURL:
>> -----%<-----
>> menuItemProperties[0] = new PropertyValue();
>> menuItemProperties[0].Name = "CommandURL";
>> menuItemProperties[0].Value = ".Judas:PrintTrays?Printer:string=LJ1100";
>> -----%<-----
>> Is this correct? But how can I access the values?
> This is the way to go for your scenario.
> Your protocol handler implements the XDispatch interface. The
> OpenOffice.org menu uses this interface to call your implementation.
> dispatch( const com::sun::star::util::URL aURL, Sequence<
> beans::PropertyValue > aArgs )
> As you can see the dispatch function has two arguments (aURL and aArgs).
> The arguments inside your command URL are part of aURL. It's a structure
> containing several members which describe parts of the URL. Your
> arguments can be found inside aURL.Arguments. You have to parse the
> string. For more information see the description of
> com.sun.star.util.URL IDL file.

This sounds very interesting. I read the api and the part of the
Dev-Guide. But it does not work yet.
My CommandURL is this: ".Judas:PrintTrays". I want to add the parameter
"printer" with the value "test". Thus I use
".Judas:PrintTrays?printer=test" as my CommandURL. But using this
CommandURL, my newly created menu item is disabled.

Is the CommandURL with parameter correct? Is my implementation of my
component wrong? Here a small part of my component:
public class JudasProtocolHandler extends WeakBase implements
                XInitialization {

     * Dispatch object as inner class.
    class OwnDispatch implements XDispatch {
Where can I continue to search the failure?

Greetings, Tobias

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