Hi again...

2007/1/24, Malte Timmermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

This will return 0 for Cancel, something else (1) for OK.

So if execute() doesn't return 0, do your stuff.

One thing comes to my mind then: When dlg.execute() is finished (user
clicked OK or Cancel), I can "do my stuff", which is to use the data from
the dialog, such as date, time and other info that the user selected, isn't
that data lost when the dialog is closed?


Using macros on OK/Cancel button click would be wrong, because users can
also use ESC (=cancel) or RETURN (=OK) for closing the dialog.


Johnny Andersson wrote, On 01/24/07 19:01:
> Hi!
> I am writing some StarBasic macros with OpenOffice.org Calc 2.1 on a
> XP system. I also created a few dialogs with some fields like date,
time, a
> combo box, an OK button and a cancel button.
> When creating the button I could set some things in the properties
> like text on the button, font, size, position and a lot more. I also can
> it to act like one of the following:
> Standard button
> OK button
> Cancel button
> Help button
> I tried different settings, and I realized that one big difference
> the OK setting and the Standard setting, is that when the button is set
> OK mode, the dialog is closed when the button is clicked. Great, that's
> what I want to happen.
> However, I also want some things to happen when the OK button is
clicked, in
> my case a few cells will be filled in depending on those fields
> earlier, so I assigned the button to a macro that would do the job. I
> rather surprised when I noticed that the macro was never executed so I
> thought that maybe I did something wrong, so I changed the button to a
> standard button. Now the macro is called and everything works fine,
> that I have to click the cancel button to slose the window.
> So it seems to me that the Cancel button and the OK button does exactly
> same thing, is this true? If so, how is the OK button supposed to be
> I guess I can close the dialog with the macro and just let the button be
> standard button, but I still want to know about the OK button: Is this a
> bug? Why can I assign the OK button to a macro when it'll never run
> I am confused... or maybe I just something really stupid or missed
> obvious...
> Best regards
> Johnny

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