
Thanks for your reply, I'll wait till OOo2.x (x>=3 ;) and now implement a separate Java app.


Mathias Bauer wrote:
Marton Jozsef wrote:
could someone point me to an example or docs on how to plug a custom (preferably Java) GUI pane in the OOo Frame hierarchy as Tools/Gallery does?

The Gallery is what we call a "docking window". ATM it is not possible
to add new windows of that type to OOo without hacking the C++ source
code in the sfx2 module. We have planned to make these windows
accessible to OOo extensions and already came up with a concept.
Unfortunately this feature always was moved to the next release due to
other more important tasks. Currently we hope for OOo2.3. :-)

When we will have this new feature it will still not allow you to insert
a Java window directly though, you will have to create a VCL toolkit
window and hand it over to the OOo framework. Perhaps you can implement
a control that plugs a Java window into an OOo window like we do with
Java applets. This control also needed direct hacking of the C++ code
base but only in a very limited area.


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