
If translated the snippet can someone check if this is enough and check
whether I have broken anything, then I'll commit it?


Laurent Godard schrieb:
> Hi Stefan
> first, thanks again for sharing your snippet
>> Does it make sense to invest any effort on this macro for translating
>> or improving or whatever? As soon as the issues #7277 and #20491 will
>> be fixed, my macro will be superfluous. Our efforts should aim to
>> encourage the developers that they fix these very old issues!
> The main interrest in snippets is to illustrate the use of some API
> Sure, the snippet is usefull and may be advertized and yes, we should
> help the developeprs solving issues
> For me translating in english makes sens, at least, as proposed, the
> comment lines. Then if someone volunteers to translate to an other
> language, it can do it (an for example put it in the extension xiki ?)
> Anyway, thanks again for your snippet
> Laurent

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