Am Dienstag, den 10.04.2007, 13:32 +0200 schrieb Juergen Schmidt:
> Marc Santhoff wrote:
> > Am Sonntag, den 08.04.2007, 21:25 +0200 schrieb Mathias Bauer:
> >> Marc Santhoff schrieb:
> >>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> I ask myself if it is possible to do some special tasks with an
> >>> extension.
> >>>
> >>> Imagine having written the core service for a new type of writer field
> >>> as an external service using some scripting engine like python. This new
> >>> field should be presented:-
> >>>
> >>> - to the user in the field insertion dialog (CTRL-F2)
> >>>
> >>> - to the programmer as part of the service structure he is used to, e.g.
> >>> ""
> >>>
> >>> The core part would then be triggered at creation, update and refresh
> >>> actions of the document holding an instance of this new field.
> >>>
> >>> Can this be done?
> >> Theoretically yes but it lacks some infrastructure. Writer must provide
> >> an extendable factory for text fields. We have something comparable
> >> (text fields assigned to meta data) on our agenda for the forseeable but
> >> probably not very near future.
> > 
> > I expected an answer like this. Use cases for this scenario are too rare
> > to expect something in the near future ... users and programmers will
> > have to live with some additional docs then. ;)
> but it shows that you have thought about it and i like the idea. It 
> should be taken as a pointer for future designs. We should think about 
> extensions and should always ask if a generic approach can make sense. 
> Can it be of interest to integrate in existing or extend functional 
> areas with own implementations via extensions? If yes and if it won't be 
> a performance killer we should prefer generic designs wherever it is 
> possible.

I'd like to have this feature for the future, too. Often macro
programmers or extension makers ask questions about how to integrate
their work with the existing gui, be it for reducing their own workload
or, more important, to present it to the user in a uniform way.

It's somewhat diffficult to explain somebody that a writer field comes
from an extension and has to be inserted into a document another way
than "standard" text fields but has the same meaning.

> We have already a lot of useful service provider interfaces (SPI) where 
> it is possible to integrate in the office via extensions. This SPIs make 
> it interesting to implement extensions (e.g. calc add-ins, add-ons, 
> spellchecker, filter, ...).

Very nice. Sounds like opening doors for second source solution
providers - and lower the count of RFEs in the future. :)


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