On Tuesday 24 April 2007 14:38, Mathias Bauer wrote:
> Reinhold Merk wrote:
> > On Saturday 21 April 2007 17:38, Mathias Bauer wrote:
> >
> > Hi Mathias,
> >
> >> So you are talking about the "Close" entry in the menu...
> >
> > Exactly! Sorry, if i described my problem not closely enough.
> >
> >> Are you sure that your users will want  this?
> >
> > I hope they will like it, if it works in that way i want it to do.
> > Because if many documents are opened and the File-Exit menu is disabled
> > nobody can accidentally close all documents at one time (and therefore it
> > isn't necessary to reopen the unmeant closed docs). That's what i want.
> > Closing a doc shall be possible only via the File-Close menu.
> I understand. But your change will have an unwanted side effect.
> The problem will be that users will get angry because the work flow
> tortures them. If you wanted to close the current document and open a
> new one you always would have to open the new one before you close the
> old one (in case this was the last open document). If you forgot to open
> the new document first you would have to restart OOo again before you
> could open it as closing the old one already had terminated OOo.
> As users didn't like this we changed it so that the last window could be
> kept open until the user explicitly decided to shutdown OOo.
> >> OOo 1.0 did exactly what you want: shut down OOo when the last
> >> document is closed. If you are interested I can look
> >> up the configuration setting you have to set.
> >
> > That would be an interesting alternative! Would be very nice, if you look
> > up.
> Andreas, do you remember how the start module is disabled? BTW: a side
> effect of this will be that starting "soffice" will always open a blank
> new Writer document by default.
> Ciao,
> Mathias

Hi Mathias, Hi Andreas,

thanks for your great help! After making some tests, i agree that terminating 
the office is the wrong way in this case... i haven't taken this 'side 
effect' into consideration. Now i have to start over. I won't annoy you, but 
let me once again get back to my initial question: if the last document was 
closed (via File-Close or the second, smaller window closer), is there any 
possibility to close the StartModule via the java app, i.e. to simulate a 
additional File-Close operation to make this window invisible?
Once again thanks in advance!


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