Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany wrote:
Hi Fernand,

Huh? The extension should be *completely* irrelevant to this, at least
this is how it was designed years ago. Are you saying that if you rename
the .csv to .txt, then the whole thing stops working?
not entirely stopping, but a other behaviour at least

for ..cvs   I found     that  "aaaa"  makes  "text"
                                         "10"       makes   "number"
                                          "01/01/01   makes  "date"

for .txt i found that "aaaa" ensures that all data is converted to "text " and without "aaa" some numbers and dates are corupted "10" makes "text" or corupted data "01/01/01" makes "text" or corupted data

Hmm - surprising. Do you mind submitting an issue, with a sample file
Sorry, i could not reproduce the faulty formating,the behavior is the same for the different extensions.:-) I suppose i did some testing without closing OO and the column formating is not always refreshed when connecting to a different text file. That was the good news, now the bad:during my new testings i found some strange behaviors ( text who is disappearing in a colum before a date-formated column, wrong number formats.... )but please before I submit a issue give me some information how the 2de row is interpreted by the filter.All the faulty behavior can come from the way I formated this 2de row. the only fact I can am sure off is that "aaa" gives a text-formated field, the rest is guesing....



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