
I want to implement a Calc function via AddIn, which
can also "listen" to events. I was not able to find
anything about this subject and the function calls
itself don't contain any reference to the cell it
belongs to. Is there some way to implement a listener
specific to certain cells like the default "=HYPERLINK"
function does? I'm developing an OLAP solution for
OpenOffice.org Calc so I will need doubleclick
and modify events for a lot of cells.
Is there maybe a way to monitor all cell activities and
then check if the cell contains my function and if so
process the action? (for example: I get the event
"cell modified", then I check if the cell contains
the formula "=MYFUNCTION1(.....)" and if that is the case
I intercept the modification, redirect it to a database
or something and leave the cell content as it is).

Can someone point me in the right direction on how
to do this?

Thanks in advance :-)

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