Hi Jürgen,

Juergen Schmidt escribió:
Hi Ariel,

Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
Hello people,

I think this an issue (may be "type:defect, component: api, subcomponent: code [IDL source files]/ documentation [Dev's Guide]"):

as I said on a mail in extensions-dev
there are three service names you can use to implement an XFilePicker or
an XFolderPicker:


the difference is explained there on the mail (but just covering the
XFilePicker implementation asked by the developer).
FilePicker is the base service and the two others are specializations of these FilePicker service (of course a IDL definition is missing -> please file an issue).

Done: issue 82722 http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=82722

I would say FilePicker can be seen more abstract and you should either use the OfficeFilePicker or the SystemFilePicker. If you use FilePicker it is not guaranteed which concrete one you get.

Anyway from an API point of view it should be regardless which one you get but it seems that some implementations of the SystemFilePicker doesn't support the service contract correct and break existing solutions like yours.

I am sorry for that but that have to be addressed in the Distro builds.


Well... I remember that I had crashes with a complex implementation (different listeners for a FilePicker with image preview) on Winndows XP using OOo build and "css.ui.dialogs.FilePicker" as service name: the user was using the system dialogs, and listeners seemed to be crashing OOo. So I decided to use ALWAYS "css.ui.dialogs.OfficeFilePicker" as service name.

For my experience, it seems like complex manipulation fails if you don't use OOo dialogs (OfficeFilePicker), and this even with OOo builds, under Windows!

Bye and thanks,

I discovered this by "crash" and error ("crash" because Linux builds,
made by distros, NOT by OOo, often broke my FilePickers implementations),
and by querying the SericeManager [1] every once in a while.

Neither the API reference


nor the new chapter of the Developer's Guide


tell us about them.
Making this services public to everyone on the API reference (that's the
first place where a developer looks(or should look) for answers [2]),
could help to prevent headaches to developers.


[1] Very simple:

    public static void main(String[] args){
        XMultiComponentFactory xMCF = null;
        XComponentContext xContext;
        try {
            xContext = Bootstrap.bootstrap();
            xMCF = xContext.getServiceManager();
            String[] servicesNames = xMCF.getAvailableServiceNames();
            for (String name : servicesNames) {
        } catch (BootstrapException ex) {
        } finally {

[2] Although

* the service names can be found searching OOo website
[for example

* and there is even an issue
[http://api.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=81581] reported by an
OOo Basic programmer about the OfficeFilePicker,

* and of course everyone in this mailing list may know about them,

there is still a lack of "official" documentation in the API reference and the Dev's Guide.

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