Hi Andres,

do you have more information?

E.g. can you reproduce it, and how?
If you can reproduce it, what does strace say?

Greetings, Tobias

Andres Tarallo schrieb:
> We're working with soffice in a server. We use it for document creation and
> manipulation.
> Everything  works  fine until we start getting the following exception:
> "com.sun.star.lang.DisposedException: java.io.IOException:
> com.sun.star.io.IOException: EOF reached". After getting it, the sofffice
> services dies.
> If we restart the service and try again, it works. We think that our code is
> fine, and we start suspecting that we may be facing an OO bug.
> We're willing to solve this problem and help to debug it. Any ideas and help
> would  be appreciated
> We have two scenarios:
> Environment 1:
> JVM = 1.5.0_11-b03.
> Tomcat = 5.5.23
> Apache = 2.2.4
> OS = REDHAT Enterprise 3
> HArdware:
> Proliant DL380 G5 (Raid 5 ( 4 discs 146 GB SAS SF)
> RAM: 2GB
> Environment 2:
> JVM =  1.5.0_11-b03
> Tomcat = 5.5.23
> OS =  Suse Novell Linux Desktop 9
> HArdware:
> PC WhiteBox DUAL CORE 3.2Ghz
> RAM: 1 GB
> Thanks in advance
> Andres Tarallo

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