I think that you set borders either using a Style (just a guess, never have done it, but it would imply that the style itself specifies the border), or by manipulating a cell (or probably a cell range, I am guess rather than grabbing a copy of my book). I know that I do cover this in my book, and maybe in my free macro document. I do have this bit of code sitting around (and I see that it uses a table, oops)

 Dim v
 Dim x
 v = oTable.TableBorder
 x = v.TopLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.TopLine = x

 x = v.LeftLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.LeftLine = x

 x = v.RightLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.RightLine = x

 x = v.TopLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.TopLine = x

 x = v.VerticalLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.VerticalLine = x

 x = v.HorizontalLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 0
 v.HorizontalLine = x

 x = v.BottomLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.BottomLine = x

 'v.Distance = 51

 oTable.TableBorder = v

This just gives you a hint at how to do what you want, since it likely does not do what you want.

Notice that I do "stupid" things like this...

 x = v.BottomLine
 x.OuterLineWidth = 2
 v.BottomLine = x

This is because the following will fail:

v.BottomLine.OuterLineWidth = 2

This fails because v.BottomLine returns a copy of the structure, rather than a reference to the structure. so, what the working code does, is to create and modify a copy, then assign it back. So, why does assigning it back work rather than just assign it to a copy? Well, you ask too many question :-) or, it is because it is internally treated as a set (I did not check the real reason).
Alexandro Colorado wrote:
thanks oliver however I dont see how to get the borders and width since is not color based is nowhere to be found near that IDL. The only border I found was for table which I am not sure is the same as the spreadsheet borders.

On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:14:45 -0500, Oliver Brinzing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi Alexandro

REM  *****  BASIC  *****


Sub Main
    Dim oDoc as Object
    Dim oCell as Object
    Dim oRange as Object
    Dim oStyles as Object
oDoc = ThisComponent

'direct (hard) cell formating ... oCell = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0).getCellByPosition(0,0)
    oCell.CellBackColor = 256

'direct range formating ... oRange = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0).getCellRangeByPosition(2,2,4,4)
    oRange.CellBackColor = 128
' soft format via a cell style
    oStyles = oDoc.StyleFamilies.getByName("CellStyles")
    ' change color of build in cell style "Result"
        oStyles.getByName("Result").CellBackColor = 192
' apply to a range ... oRange = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex(0).getCellRangeByPosition(2,6,4,8)
    oRange.CellStyle = "Result"

End Sub


Am 23.10.2007 17:50 schrieb Alexandro Colorado:
Hi I want to know how to style cells in a spreadsheet, things like
background color, border and width.

I am not sure if this is the best list to ask OOoBasic questions but
there it goes. If there is a better list for this, please let me know.

- --

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Andrew Pitonyak
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