
I do have some strange problems using insertDocument. Maybe someone can
give me some advise?

I do have two writer Documents (lets call them "MasterDoc" and "Doc2").
In all documents my Standard charFont ist "Arial", the properties of OOo
even shows "Arial" as a standard font for all selections.

Now, I am using insertDocumentFromURL() to insert Doc2 in my
MasterDocument. It works fine - but afterwards the Paragraph-style
"Standard" of my MasterDoc is changes and charFont is now "Times New

Therefor the hole formating of the document looks real "strange".

By the way - the same happend, when I insert the doc via Gui.

OK, I can change the CharFontName of the Paragraph style back to "Arial"
after inserting the document - but all Paragraph styles, who are not
based on "Standard" are still in "Times New Roman".
I tried to find the reason (I never use "Times New Roman") or a property
to fix it - I find nothing and do not really have more ideas.

Additional information: All documents are converted MS Word documents -
so I am afraid, there is still some information left - but how can I get
it out?



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