Hi Matthias,

> Check if everything works with OOo 2.2. If it does, you're being hit by
> http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=80100
> (which won't be fixed. So you may have to brush up your knowledge of
> classloaders (a somewhat obscure and tricky topic) to get your problem
> fixed).

that's it! Thanks for the hint. I would like to add some notes to this
issue. Classpath is a common technique, used by many frameworks, e.g.
Spring. Due to this issue, it is not possible to use external frameworks
- and these might be extremely useful - without patching them (most
frameworks rely on classpath technology. Is this the design goal for
extensions? If I think of the future of OO: might this be a no-go
criteria for developers?

I can understand the reasons why the classpath was cleansed, but I am
not sure if this is the best way for OO's future.

And I think this is a point that should be mentioned in the developers

Your opinion is welcome!

Greetings, Tobias

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