Hi all,
I'm writing to this ng at the suggestion of someone on the
openoffice.questions ng. I hope I'm at the right place.

OOo macros are driving me crazy! I'm running OOo 2.3.1 on a linux (Debian
Lenny) box. The behaviour of macros is, to say the least flakey. I have a
macro called "map" thanks to Anthony Chilco of this list. Here's the code:
public function map(ProcessString) as string
  dim Position as integer
  dim Index as integer
  dim Ch as String
  const TargetString = "aãbdefghiœjk«lmnoŒprstèu¡vwx|º!Øãôûn1234"
  const ReplaceString = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcd"
  for Index = 1 to len(ProcessString)     'Check each character of the
string to process
    Ch = mid(ProcessString,Index,1)       'Extract one character
    Position = instr(TargetString,Ch)     'See if it's in the list of
characters to be replaced
    'Position = instr(1,TargetString,Ch,0)  'Use this line for
case-sensitive search
    If Position<>0 then                   'If it is, insert it into the
process string
mid(ReplaceString,Position,1)+ mid(ProcessString,Index+1,999)
    end if
  next Index
end function
This code is in both Module1 of My Macros - Standard - Module1 and ndp -
Standard - Module1 (ndp being the name of the document is question)
I want to set up a column in a spreadsheet containing 18 fields. So in cell
T1 I enter the following: =map(b1) and I get the following behaviour:
a window opens saying OO Calc found an error in the formula entered
it asks if I want to accept correction ='map'*(B2) if I accept, it returns 0
if I don't accept it returns error 509.

Now I open I new sheet and copy Column b of the first sheet onto column b of
the new sheet. I enter the same formula =map(b2) into, say, cell T2 and it
works perfectly.

You can download the .ods file here:
It's 1.7MB.

This is driving me crazy. Anyone who helps gets mentioned in my will :-)
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