Marc Santhoff wrote:
Am Samstag, den 26.04.2008, 10:41 +0200 schrieb Tim Parth:
Hi all!

Is it possible to use the interface XRender with it's method render to render a 
complete TextDocument (swriter) into an image for further use? The 
documentation is very short an I don't know exactly if it suits my needs and if 
yes, how to use it.

Thank you all very much in advance!


since noone seems to know the answer:

I remember darkly having fiddled with such stuff and a way I found was
using some "PrintPreview"-related properties and functions. IIRC these
functions dealt with rendering the preview of templates.

Maybe you'll find something looking for that keywords ...


P.S.: found somthing ...

sub testLoadAsPreview

        oDT = createUnoService("")
        aURL = convertToUrl("/home/marc/Dokumente/Notizen.sdw")
        dim Args(1) as new
        Args(1).Name = "ReadOnly"
        Args(1).Value = TRUE
        Args(0).Name = "Preview"
        Args(0).Value = TRUE
        tmpDoc = oDT.loadComponentFromUrl(aURL, "_blank", 0, Args())
end sub

After that you would need to extract a bitmap out of the view.
this technique is used in showing a preview of a writerdoc in a filepicker window
Have fun ... ;)

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