Hi Jurgis,

Jurgis Pralgauskis wrote:

We want to include some graphical information alongside with
signature/certificate -
a photo/logo or graphical signature.
(Others are responsible for standardt ways to include this in/wiht certificate,
and I try to find out, how to present it in OOo)

I think of extention to show the images in  dialog box (small window
similar to document-navigator)
this would also include standart signee info: name/surname at least.

how hard (much time) would it be to achieve? what might be most difficult?
what api parts shoud I study before?
could you propose similar extention examples?
is ooo digital sigs api somehow connected with http://openxades.org ?

we are working on what I think is a similar extension implementation.

You can have more information by writing to this [1] ML.
It's in Italian, but English is welcome as well.

I posted some code examples that may be useful [2] to you. But this is a developer example, not something for production use.
Use with care.

Feel free to ask on list [1] more information on it.

ps.: prehistory of the question

uh, I missed this. I'll read on and try to answer there.

Kind Regards,
Giuseppe Castagno (aka beppec56)
Acca Esse http://www.acca-esse.eu
[1] http://liste.yacme.com/mailman/listinfo/firmadigitale
[2] http://wiki.plio.it/mediawiki/index.php?title=Immagine:Cnipa_signature_extension-0.0.10.tar.bz2

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