Hi Stephan,

Note that com.sun.star.linguistic2.XGrammarChecker is an interface, not a service.

Of course, but anyway I'm not implementing any code that displays public methods other than documented in API.

Sorry, I do not understand you here. (But that's probably not so important, anyway.)

I meant you're right - but I don't need IDL to declare anything anyway.

Sorry for causing confusion. The latest style is to implement __getComponentFactory and have it return XSingleComponentFactory (an older alternative would be to implement __getServiceFactory and have it return XSingleServiceFactory; see jurt/com/sun/star/comp/loader/JavaLoader.java:1.16).

All it caused, however, was that classpath suddenly covered files that are not in the manifest.xml (we have some jars that are not on the classpath and should not be touched by OOo). But multiple instances of the service are anyway created.

I do not understand your first part (about classpath)

The first part is a bug - but probably not a very frequent one, only caused by having both __getComponentFactory and __getServiceFactory in the same class. Java classpath should be as defined by manifest.xml and manifests in the jar, and not include every jar in the directory of the extension.

> but multiple
instances are of course still generated when you use com.sun.star.comp.loader.FactoryHelper.createComponentFactory in __getComponentFactory. You have to return your own implementation of XSingleComponentFactory from __geComponentFactory, which controls the number of instances generated.

My worry is that multiple instances of the class that extends XSingleComponentFactory would be created as well, with their own counters always equal 1. Is there any example of extending XSingleComponentFactory in a way that you recommend?

Maybe there is another design that I could use for sharing instance data? Adding a new public method to the class wouldn't help as calling it would call still another instance that has no listeners attached.

However, be aware that XGrammarChecker has methods like startDocument documented as "This enables the grammar checker to maintain state information about the document".

Yes, but they will be called by the grammar checker iterator for a document, so they will get into the first instance of my class anyway. I have no problem with them at all.

What happens if two documents are grammar checked in parallel?

Both documents should get rechecked using new options, if the user is not a schizophrenic ;) The grammar checker options, just like speller options, are not document-level but rather on the level of the whole suite.

Anyway, I didn't check how many instances there are with two docs but probably two working in parallel. Changing to a single instance won't make matters much worse (if docs are in different languages, there can be a little slow down as different dictionaries will be reloaded but disk caching probably won't make it very serious). There are methods of XGrammarChecker for initiating document state and clearing document state, so I could even bind some internal class instances to docs and get rid of the problem of the slow-down. Anyway, the methods are not yet implemented properly in my code (just skeletons) and very basic in the API.


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