Hi Thomas,

we use Eclipse and created an ant file. May be it helps you:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<project default="judasextension" name="OOo">

        <property file="build.properties"/>

        <path id="build.classpath">
                <fileset dir="${basedir}/">
                        <include name="lib/*.jar"/>

        <pathconvert property="test.project.manifest.classpath" pathsep="">
                <path refid="build.classpath"/>
                                <globmapper from="*.jar" to="lib/*.jar "/>

        <target name="pre-init" if="build.ext.OOo.dir">
                <echo message="PRE INIT"/>

                <!-- trick IDEAs ant support -->
                <property name="build.ext.OOo.dir" 
                <property name="build.dir" value="${build.ext.OOo.dir}"/>

        <target name="setProps" depends="pre-init">
                <property name="src.dir" value="source"/>
                <property name="lib.dir" value="lib"/>
                <property name="bin.dir" value="bin"/>
                <property name="dist.dir" value="dist"/>

                <property name="idl.dir" 

                <property name="build.dir" value="build"/>
                <property name="build.classes.dir" 
                <property name="build.lib.dir" value="${build.dir}/lib"/>

                <property name="build.urd.dir"

        <target name="init" depends="setProps" >
                <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}"/>
                <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
                <mkdir dir="${bin.dir}"/>
                <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
                <mkdir dir="${build.lib.dir}"/>

                <copy todir="${build.lib.dir}">
                        <fileset dir="${lib.dir}"/>

        $(JAVADIR)/javac -source 1.5 -target 1.5  -classpath
        <target name="compile" depends="init">
                <!-- Compile the standard components -->
                <javac destdir="${bin.dir}"
                        deprecation="${compile.deprecation}" debug="true"
                                <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
                                        <include name="**/*.jar"/>
                                        <include name="**/*.zip"/>
                                <fileset dir="${openoffice.lib.dir}">
                                        <include name="**/*.jar"/>
                                        <include name="**/*.zip"/>
                        <src path="${src.dir}"/>
                        <include name="**/*.java"/>

        $(OOO_DIR)/sdk/linux/bin/idlc -C -I. -I $(OOO_DIR)/sdk/idl -O
$(URD_DIR) $(IDL_DIR)/JudasComponent.idl
        <target name="idl" if="idl.file" >
                <exec executable="${openoffice.sdk.bin.dir}/idlc"
                        <arg value="-C" />
                        <arg value="-I." />
                        <arg value="-I${openoffice.sdk.dir}/idl" />
                        <arg value="-O${build.urd.dir}" />
                        <arg value="${idl.file}" />
                <echo message="${idl.out}" />

        $(OOO_DIR)/sdk/linux/bin/regmerge types.rdb /UCR
        <target name="regmerge" if="idl.file" depends="idl">
                <basename property="filename" file="${idl.file}" suffix=".idl"/>
                <exec executable="${openoffice.sdk.bin.dir}/regmerge"
                        <arg value="types.rdb"/>
                        <arg value="/UCR" />
                        <arg value="${build.urd.dir}/${filename}.urd"/>
                <echo message="${regmerge.out}" />

        $(OOO_DIR)/sdk/linux/bin/javamaker -BUCR -nD -Gc
-Tde.twc.oocom.comp.XJudasComponent $(OOO_DIR)/program/types.rdb \\ -O
$(BUILD_DIR)    types.rdb
        cp -R $(BUILD_DIR)/de $(BIN_DIR)
        <target name="javamaker" if="idl.file" depends="regmerge" >
                <basename property="filename" file="${idl.file}" suffix=".idl"/>
                <exec executable="${openoffice.sdk.bin.dir}/javamaker"
                        <arg value="-BUCR" />
                        <arg value="-nD" />
                        <arg value="-Gc"/>
                        <arg value="-Tde.twc.oocom.comp.XJudasComponent"/>
                        <arg value="${openoffice.program.dir}/types.rdb" />
                        <arg value="-O./${bin.dir}" />
                        <arg value="types.rdb"/>
                <exec executable="${openoffice.sdk.bin.dir}/javamaker"
                        <arg value="-BUCR" />
                        <arg value="-nD" />
                        <arg value="-Gc"/>
                        <arg value="-Tde.twc.oocom.comp.XPrintConfigHandler"/>
                        <arg value="${openoffice.program.dir}/types.rdb" />
                        <arg value="-O./${bin.dir}" />
                        <arg value="types.rdb"/>
                <exec executable="${openoffice.sdk.bin.dir}/javamaker"
                        <arg value="-BUCR" />
                        <arg value="-nD" />
                        <arg value="-Gc"/>
                        <arg value="-Tde.twc.oocom.comp.thePrintConfigHandler"/>
                        <arg value="${openoffice.program.dir}/types.rdb" />
                        <arg value="-O./${bin.dir}" />
                        <arg value="types.rdb"/>
                <echo message="${javamaker.out}" />

                        Creates a jar file.
                $(JAVADIR)jar cvfm JudasComponent.uno.jar 
                        -C $(BIN_DIR) de jdbc.properties log4j.properties
        <target name="jar" depends="compile">
                <jar jarfile="${bin.dir}/JudasComponent.uno.jar" 
                        <include name="**/*.class"/>
                                <attribute name="RegistrationClassName"
                                <!-- <attribute name="Class-Path"
value="${test.project.manifest.classpath}"/> -->
                                <attribute name="Class-Path"

                        Creates a UNO package
                zip -r JudasComponent.oxt  types.rdb images/* Addons.xcu
ProtocolHandler.xcu description.xml META-INF/manifest.xml conf/* lib/* *.jar
        <target name="zip" depends="jar">
                <zip destfile="${dist.dir}/JudasComponent.oxt">
                        <zipfileset file="${bin.dir}/JudasComponent.uno.jar"/>
                        <zipfileset file="types.rdb" />
                        <zipfileset dir="${basedir}/images/" prefix="images/" />
                        <zipfileset file="*.xcu" />
                        <zipfileset file="description.xml" />
                        <zipfileset file="META-INF/manifest.xml" 
prefix="META-INF/" />
                        <zipfileset dir="${lib.dir}" prefix="lib/">
                                <include name="*.jar" />

        <target name="judasextension" depends="clean,init" >
                <antcall target="javamaker">
                        <param name="idl.file" 
                <antcall target="javamaker">
                        <param name="idl.file" 
                <antcall target="javamaker">
                        <param name="idl.file" 
                <antcall target="compile"/>

                <antcall target="jar"/>
                <antcall target="zip"/>

        <target name="clean" depends="init">
                <delete dir="${dist.dir}" includeEmptyDirs="true"/>
                <delete dir="${build.dir}" includeEmptyDirs="true"/>
                <delete dir="${bin.dir}" includeEmptyDirs="true"/>


Greetings, Tobias

Thomas schrieb:
> Hi Juergen,
> i already wrote a Bugreport (see
> http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=92911 ) for the problem
> with netbeans. I hope this will be fixed soon. But i can't wait for the
> fix and have to write the plugin, so i want to do it without the help of
> netbeans. 
> I will try to use GNU make and hope i will understand.
> Thanks & best regards,
> Tom
> Am Freitag, den 22.08.2008, 13:25 +0200 schrieb Juergen Schmidt:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> it is more interesting why the plugin doesn't work anymore.
>> - on which platform do you work?
>> - which version of the plugin do you use?
>> - which office version do you use?
>> - which SDK version do you use?
>> Related to your question, check the SDK add-in example to see how you 
>> can build an oxt package with gnu make. Maybe it's easier for you to 
>> understand the necessary steps as to read the ant scripts in NetBeans.
>> And of course read the appropriate chapter in the DevGuide where you can 
>> find all the info about the package descriptor file description.xml. 
>> Maybe start with 
>> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Extensions/Checklist_for_Writing_Extensions
>> Juergen
>> Thomas wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> i developed already some Calc-Addins with Java and Netbeans and the
>>> OO-Netbeans-Plugin. Now i want to know the steps what i have to do to
>>> develop a Addin without Netbeans because the OO-Netbeans-Plugin doesn't
>>> work any longer (i already send a bug report).
>>> I already have:
>>> 1) a working plugin (CentralRegistrationClass.java,
>>> OOCalcAddin_Solar.java, XOOCalcAddin_Solar.java,
>>> OOCalcAddin_SolarImpl.java, CalcAddins.xcu, description.xml)
>>> 2) i can compile the idl-files to urd-files
>>> 3) i can merge the urd files to types.rdb
>>> 4) i can use javamaker to create the java classes
>>> My question ist, what i should do next? At the end, i want to have a
>>> working package (.oxt) which i can install with the Extension Manager.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tom
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