
you can use unpublished interfaces - you just can't be sure that they
are not changed later and thus could possibly break your code.

I hope I understood your question right?

In case of the XModifyBroadcaster, you have to implement an
XModifyListener and register it at an XModifyBroadcaster interface that
you can query from a service that implements XModifiable.
In your case the SpreadsheetDocument.


XSpreadSheetDocument mySpreadSheetDocument; 
        XModifyBroadcaster xModifyBroadcaster =
                (XModifyBroadcaster) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                XModifyBroadcaster.class, mySpreadSheetDocument);

        xModifyBroadcaster.addModifyListener(new ModifyListener());

Hope that helps


> Hi,
>   I need to add a value change listener on a Table cell. I've looked at some 
> past postings where the XModifyBroadcaster was mentioned. How do I get this 
> interface? 
>   The documentation says one can get it from com.sun.star.table.XTable but 
> that is unpublished interface. Is there a way to use unpublished interfaces? 
> Thanks,
> Anupam
> _________________
> Using OO 2.4, NetBeans6.1, Java 1.6u6
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