Hi Stephan,

how about X loading Y loading Z dynamically on all mentioned platforms?
Would that be possible?
(This might allow a single package to be used on multiple operating
systems picking the appropriate libraries at runtime.)


Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> On 11/26/08 13:56, RKVS Raman wrote:
>> Thanks for your help.
>> We have 3 level dependencies. Things are getting interesting.
> You mean your X links against Y, which in turn links against Z, which
> in turn links against W?  Then, package Z and W the same way you
> packaged Y into the extension .oxt, and additionally make sure both Y
> and Z fulfill the platform-specific requirements listed below to find
> their dependencies.
> -Stephan
>> -Raman
>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 6:22 PM, Stephan Bergmann
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On 11/26/08 11:58, RKVS Raman wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> How do i  package 3rd party DLLs with my Extension which uses them?
>>> If your extension shared library X is linked against a single
>>> additional
>>> ("3rd party") shared library Y, then place Y into the same directory
>>> as X in
>>> the extension .oxt, do not mention Y in the manifest of the
>>> extension .oxt,
>>> and, depending on platform, do one of the following:
>>> On Windows, nothing more should be necessary, due to the
>>> tags/DEV300_m36/sal/osl/w32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> l. 70.
>>> On ELF based Unix (Linux, Solaris), make sure $ORIGIN is in the
>>> RPATH of X.
>>> On Mac OS X, make sure X references Y via @loader_path.
>>> If, however, X loads Y dynamically, or Y in turn is linked against
>>> or loads
>>> dynamically further shared libraries, things start to get
>>> complicated...
>>> -Stephan

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