
I still have problems with the option handling in the extension context. The answers from the mailinglist were helpful, but I need more informations. The paths and identifiers are now correct.

Unsolved questions:
- Why does my .xdl-dialog not appear in the options dialog? I tried to debug my OptionsEventHandler, but when I click on "OK", the class isn't involved. - How can I access my own properties which I have defined in the ExtensionsData.xcs file? I implemented a generic ConfigReader class and now I can read the OOo properties but not my own? Error message is: "/org.openoffice.Office.ExtensionsData (and for locale de) could not be created. Unable to retrieve the node from the configuration server.
The backend returned the following error:
SchemaBuilder: Could not expand instances: Template not found [@/org.openoffice.Office.ExtensionsData/Leaves]"

For a bigger extension it is important to set up the config environment properly, but unfortunately the documentation in the developers guide wasn't so helpful for me. And I still haven't found an existing opensource extension, which uses the options functionality. Can anybody here give me a complete working example?


Juergen Schmidt wrote:

sure you need the appropriate modules with debug info. But i would first check the extension identifier. It is important that you use the correct identifier that you have defined in the project properties (or in the description.xml) in the OptionsDialog.xcu as well.

You can also debug your options handler object (the object that implements the XContainerWindowEventHandler) and can check if it gets instantiated. Set a breakpoint in the "callHandlerMethod" method


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