FOSDEM - the Free and Open Source Developer's European Meeting - is nearly upon us. FOSDEM is the most developer-focused FOSS conference, and will take place in Brussels, Belgium on 6th/7th February (not forgetting the FOSDEM beer event on the Friday night :) . Geeks from all the major FOSS projects are expected to be there - including

If you are an experienced developer, we need your help! will have again a DevRoom at FOSDEM. The main goal of the DevRoom is to attract developers to work on and with We want to show developers that there is nothing magic about development, and that our active and enthusiastic developer community is keen to help newcomers.

We want to help developers get started on the code - by explaining how the source code is structured and how our build environment works. We're also keen to show developers how to integrate in their own applications, using interfaces, APIs, components, etc. We want to encourage developers to produce exciting new extensions for

If you are able to share your in-depth technical knowledge and enthusiasm then please get in touch without delay. We are looking for people who can:

- give a 45 minute talk; or
- run 90 or 120 minute workshops

Please send your proposals (see below) to (at) as soon as possible - by the end of this week (latest Saturday 10th).

Make it your New Year's Resolution to recruit a new developer in 2009 - and help us start the ball rolling at FOSDEM in February.

Your proposal should include
- a title
- a short abstract
- your full name
- a short bio of you and ideally your role in the project
- request for sponsorship (travel, lodging)

We know that we are again a little bit late this year and that it is short-time. But we promise to improve it next year ;-)

Thanks in advance


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