On 1/12/10 7:19 PM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:43 AM, Johnny Rosenberg
<gurus.knu...@gmail.com> wrote:
2010/1/12 Alexandro Colorado <j...@openoffice.org>:

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Johnny Rosenberg

2009/12/20 Ariel Constenla-Haile

Hello Johnny,

On Sunday 20 December 2009, 14:19, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

Anyone who can point me to somewhere where I can learn to create an
add-on or extension? My thought is that the person to whom I send it
should easily install it by the extension manager, so I guess I need
to create an OXT somehow. How is all that done properly?

if you just want to share macros with people, I'd recommend Paolo's

Anyway, if you want to study how extensions are packages, read the



Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

Thank you, Ariel and also thank you, Jan. Currently I only write Basic
macros (and create dialogs) and most of them are for Calc.

Try the BasicAddonBuilder, this will build the OXT for you.

"BasicAddonBuilder is an OpenOffice.org extension that allows you to
a StarBasic library in the OpenOffice.org Extension format, ready for
deployment. BasicAddonBuilder does not require special skills or a deep
knowledge of extensions specifications. A wizard-style dialog will
guide you
through the process, allowing you to define in a graphical way all
menu and
toolbars that will be added to the OpenOffice.org user interface in
order to
launch macros from your StarBasic library."

Thank you all for hints and suggestions. I will certainly take a
closer look at some of them. The BasicAddonBuilder seems like a quick
way to get things done until I learn more about the concept of OXT.

The concept of OXT is basically very simples, there are three elements:
- Zip File
- XML file
- Code file

Zip file is the same used for ODT, ODS etc.
XML files, it maps to the executable code, images icons, and the overal
interface of OpenOffice.org
Code file, basically has also a standarized services of the API to
execute the code

well it is a little bit more and i would suggest that you read the appropriate chapter in the DevGuide (http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Extensions/File_Format) because the better you use the provided features the better will be the overall user experience for your extension.



Johnny Rosenberg

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