Steffen , Stephan,

I am still confused, I can copy files using filecopy(localfileURL,ftp://user:passw...@servername/filename)
to 1 server but not to a other.
both severs need "passive mode" is supose OO uses this mode ?
the servernames are > can copy to it > gives a "Path not Found " error (could the "www" be a problem ??
Thanks for any hint

Hello Fernand,

no, the ftp is not limited here. The command works for me with

On the other hand, the invalid ftp command
opens a connection, but then repeatedly asks for a password. Seems like a bug there.

What Office version did you use on which platform? I tried 3.1.1 on Solaris x86. Perhaps the reason are the proxy settings on your system. Does it work if you use no proxy at all?

Regards, Steffen

Fernand Vanrie wrote:
For opening a file over FTP we can use in code or in a filepicker dialog

ftp://user:pasw...@servername >> have connection and acces to the server

I tryed to use the IP address but with no luck

ftp://user:pasw...@ >>  no  connection
ftp://user:pasw...@ >> connection , user and password are accepted but nothing happens ??

Is the OO ftp protocol limited to the use of only a "servername" ?



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