
Muddybeemer wrote:
> Hello,
> I am writing a Java Plugin that extracts the formula string from all the
> embedded OOOMath objects in a document. I do: 
> XComponent xc = xEOS.getEmbeddedObject() 
> to get the formula string for each formula.  
> The plugin works as expected, except that after the script operates on a
> document with many formulas, it then takes MUCH longer than usual to
> open one of these formulas in the equation editor, which is very
> inconvenient.  I have narrowed the problem down to the
> xEOS.getEmbeddedObject() statement. 
> I thought it might be a reference problem, so I tried xc.dispose(), but
> this does not help.  Am I not handling the xComponent correctly?
> Any help would be appreciated. 
> I'm running Java 1.6.0_15 and Openoffice 3.1 in Ubuntu.
> Regards,
> Toby

Well I don't know whats 'much longer than usual' ...
But with the Basic Macro below I extracted the content of 700 Formulas
in about 15 sec.
(Don't know if that is specifically slow or not though.)

oDoc = ThisComponent
oObjects = oDoc.getEmbeddedObjects()

aText = ""
n = oObjects.getCount()
for i = 0 to n-1
    oObj = oObjects.getByIndex(i).getEmbeddedObject()
    if (oObj.supportsService("com.sun.star.formula.FormulaProperties")) then
        aText = aText + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + oObj.Formula
    end if
next i
msgbox aText


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