Message de Johnny Rosenberg  date 2010-05-29 23:05 :

I know about the GetSystemTicks() function, but isn't that System
Ticks rather than time? Like CPU time or something like that.
I want to know the time from when I start doing something until it's
done in absolute time. now() would work if the resolution was better
than 1 s.

There is no Basic function returning real time with better precision than 1 s.
The apparent precision would be meaningless.

Absolute real time valid to 100ms or better cannot be obtained on an ordinary personal computer. The internal clock drift is about 1 second per day (that is 10ms drift in 1/4h). You would need to recalibrate it to an atomic clock very often.

And how can 16 ms be the best precision due to IBM PC hardware design?
The original IBM PC was Stone Age computing, compared to current PC. But it was the first standard.

And I don't know anything about MS Windows. I use Ubuntu.
I don't know anything about Ubuntu. I use MS-Windows XP.


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