Hi Denis,

It seems that the embedded object have to be edited before to access its 
But the only way I've found to do this, is to temporarily sets it visible, then 
hidden again.

Here is what I found :

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

option explicit

sub main()

        dim component as object
'       '== when the document is visisble ==
'       'if the embedded object is edited : thisComponent = embedded object => 
gets the top component
'       component = getTopParent(thisComponent)
'       _proccessEmbeddedObject(component)

        '== when the document isn't visisble ==
        dim currentController as object
        dim containerWindow as object
        dim args(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue

        args(0).name = "Hidden"
        args(0).value = true
        component = 
"_blank", _
                 com.sun.star.frame.FrameSearchFlag.CREATE, args)
        on local error goto finally
        'do something ...
        'the document must be displayed to allow to change the active sheet of 
the embedded object
        currentController = component.currentController
        if (not isNull(currentController)) then
                containerWindow = currentController.frame.containerWindow
        end if
        'do something else...

end sub

'returns the top parent if it exists (i.e. when "aChild" is an embedded object 
currently edited). otherwise, returns "aChild"
function getTopParent(aChild as object) as object

        dim result as object
        dim parent as object

        if (hasUnoInterfaces(aChild, "com.sun.star.container.XChild")) then
                parent = aChild.parent
                if (isNull(parent)) then
                        result = aChild
                        result = getTopParent(parent)
                end if
        end if

        getTopParent = result

end function

sub _proccessEmbeddedObject(component as object)

        dim success as boolean
        dim anEmbeddedObject as object
        dim xModel as object
        dim embeddedObjController as object

        'looks for the requested embedded object
        anEmbeddedObject = getEmbeddedObjectByName(component, "Objet1")
        'and changes its state if needed
        success = editEmbeddedObject(anEmbeddedObject, true)
        if (success) then
                xModel = anEmbeddedObject.getEmbeddedObject()
                if (hasUnoInterfaces(xModel, "com.sun.star.frame.XModel")) then
                        embeddedObjController = xModel.currentController
                        if (hasUnoInterfaces(embeddedObjController, 
"com.sun.star.sheet.XSpreadsheetView")) then
                        end if
                end if
                editEmbeddedObject(anEmbeddedObject, false)
        end if

end sub

'returns the embedded object named "anObjectName" if it exits, null otherwise
function getEmbeddedObjectByName(XTextEmbeddedObjectsSupplier as object, 
anObjectName as string)

        dim result as object
        dim embeddedObjects as object
        if (hasUnoInterfaces(XTextEmbeddedObjectsSupplier, 
"com.sun.star.text.XTextEmbeddedObjectsSupplier")) then
                embeddedObjects = 
                if (embeddedObjects.hasByName(anObjectName)) then
                        result = embeddedObjects.getByName(anObjectName)
                end if
        end if
        getEmbeddedObjectByName = result

end function

'edits an embedded object if "bEdit" is true; otherwise quits this state
'returns true if succeed, false otherwise
function editEmbeddedObject(xEmbeddedObjectSupplier2 as object, bEdit as 
boolean) as boolean

        dim requestedState as long
        dim success as boolean
        dim xEmbeddedObject as object

        requestedState = com.sun.star.embed.EmbedStates.RUNNING
        if (bEdit) then
                requestedState = com.sun.star.embed.EmbedStates.UI_ACTIVE
        end if
        success = hasUnoInterfaces(xEmbeddedObjectSupplier2, 
        if (success) then
                xEmbeddedObject = 
                success = (xEmbeddedObject.getCurrentState() = requestedState)
                if (not success) then
                        success = changeEmbeddedObjectState(xEmbeddedObject, 
                end if
        end if

        editEmbeddedObject = success

end function

'modifies the current state of an embedded object
'returns true if succeed, false otherwise
function changeEmbeddedObjectState(xEmbeddedObject as object, expectedState as 
long) as boolean

        dim success as boolean

        success = supportsEmbedState(xEmbeddedObject, expectedState)
        if (success) then
                on local error goto errChangeState
                goto noErr
                        success = false
        end if

        changeEmbeddedObjectState = success

end function

'returns true if the embedded object supports the state "expectedState", false 
function supportsEmbedState(xEmbeddedObject as object, expectedState as long) 
as boolean

        dim continue as boolean
        dim reachableStates() as long
        dim stateIndex as long

        continue = hasUnoInterfaces(xEmbeddedObject, 
        if (continue) then
                reachableStates = xEmbeddedObject.reachableStates
                stateIndex = lbound(reachableStates)
                while ((stateIndex <= ubound(reachableStates)) and continue)
                        continue = (reachableStates(stateIndex) <> 
                        stateIndex = stateIndex + 1
        end if

        supportsEmbedState = (not continue)

end function

Thibault Vataire

----- Mail Original -----
De: "denis" <des...@gmail.com>
À: dev@api.openoffice.org
Envoyé: Lundi 7 Juin 2010 15:24:39
Objet: [api-dev] SpreadsheetView of embedded spreadsheet document


I have a writer document with an embedded spreadsheet document inside.

Now I would like to set the active (i.e. visible) sheet of that
spreadsheet document.

The question is, how do I get the SpreadsheetView when there's no
controller available?

    ThisComponent.getEmbeddedObjects().getByName ("Objekt1") _

    ' ==> NULL

Is this possible at all if the writer document was opened hidden?


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