Maybe this is a stupid question w.r.t. XPrintable:

    * If one wishes to print three different documents within the same
      thread using their respecitve XPrintable.print(...), is it then
      necessary to make sure that the first print job has completed,
      before the next one starts?
      If so, then probably using the interface's
      addPrintJobListener(XPrintJobListener) needs to be used. Now,
      which enum value of PrintableState indicates, that it is o.k. to
      a) dispose of the printed document and b) start to print the next
      document: JOB_COMPLETED or JOB_SPOOLED? (Besides the states that
      indicate abnormal states like JOB_ABORTED etc.) 



P.S.: Would the printing make any difference if all documents to be
printed are hidden?

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