Hi OO-Api development,
I'm using the netbeans plugin for OO since quite a while and like it a lot.
Now after upgrading to netbeans 6.9 I do not find the plugin anymore. Isn't it 
One feature, which I was always missing is that the plugin did not allow to let 
you add a function which then is available in the compiled plugin. In case I 
added a function, I always needed to edit the XML file, which describes the 
exported function. It would be great if this could be integrated into the 
netbeans plugin.
Thanks a lot and kind regards,
Karsten Sundermann
Financial Engineering and Advisory Services
European Investment Bank
100, Bd K. Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg
Tel 00352 2485 96026
Fax 00352 2485 66090

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