Hi Frank,

> has been a revenant in this list (and other places) for multiple years now.

yes, for example: http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=33781  ;-)

would be really great if an undo api could be implemented soon.
but as you mentioned, maybe it would be better to keep it simple:

- "clearing the undo list" is the most important feature,
   for example a document macro called from a form control can
   simply clear the list after changes have been made.
   btw: at the moment we use a loop of "oDoc.unprotect" or sometthing
          else to overwrite the undo list.

- "enterUndoContext - leaveUndoContext" allows to undo multiple operations
   in one step, for example undo all changes  which have been performed from
   a document macro. this would be a great help, cause  at the moment a user
   don't know how many steps to go back.



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