
found a work arround due to a other peace of code from the famous "ms777" who is gui anyway a Sun engineer ? oEL = oFrame.LayoutManager.getElement("private:resource/toolbar/standardbar")
this ellement is found
and now "oEL.getsettings(true)" works like a charm

Thanks anyway for the help and explanations


Sould I  life a   issue for the  first approach ?

Ariel ,

Thanks for this extended explaination, now i now where to look and go.

But no the namings are correct, and the relevant to the xml files in the places you told.

the code start with making a emnumration for the resourceURL's par module:

For Each x in oFrame.LayoutManager.getElements()>> gives me all the correct ResourceURL's

then is choose manualy the right one, in my case "private:resource/toolbar/standardbar"

then i follow the code and

oToolbarSettings = oCfgManager.getSettings("private:resource/toolbar/standardbar", true)

gives me the error that there is no such element in the container ??

so what is the resourceURL for oCfgManager.getSettings( "private:resource/toolbar/standardbar" , true)

the DEVguide says:

a resource URL which identifies the user interface element. A resourcce URL must meet the following syntax: "private:resource/$type/$name. It is only allowed to
use ascii characters for type and name.

here $type = "toolbar" and $name = "standardbar"

smiles like a bug (i run OOO330m17 on Windows)


Hello Fernand,

On Tuesday 21 December 2010, 16:42, Fernand Vanrie wrote:
   Ariel ,

Stupit me :-)

not a typo, just the wrong copy of one of my  tests
The problem is still there

   oFrame = oDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
     oCfgManager = oDoc.getUIConfigurationManager()
     oToolInfo = oCfgManager.getUIElementsInfo( iToolType )
sToolbar = "private:resource/toolbar/standardbar"
     For Each x in oFrame.LayoutManager.getElements()
           if x.ResourceURL = sToolBar Then

   rem the Resource is here

        oImageMgr = oCfgManager.getImageManager()
           oToolbarSettings = oCfgManager.getSettings(sToolbar, true)

but no settings  for "private:resource/toolbar/standardbar"
i get a error error: exception
when not starting with "private:resource/toolbar/" then is get a
iIlegalArgumentexception so it must start with private:resource/toolbar/
but why is "standardbar" not present ??
you can not take for granted that the standard toolbar is named standardbar in
every module.
For example, in OOo Base it's named toolbar

where can i find the right resourceURL's ?
you have to look at the basis layer of your office installation:
there you have a folder for each module.
Inside every folder, you have another folder for each UIElelemt type (well,
only menubar, statusbar and toolbar at the moment).

For example,
has for resource URL "private:resource/toolbar/toolbar"
The resource URL is formed following the pattern

Another example:
is "private:resource/toolbar/reportobjectbar"


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