+1 binding
I checked:
1. Download links are valid;
2. Checksums and PGP signatures are valid;
3. License and NOTICE files are good;
4. All files have the necessary License header;
5. Build successfully on Ubuntu 16  with Openresty 1.19

update the result of  run steps

6. 1st Run
   It reports "apisix/core/utils.lua:22: module 'resty.dns.client' not found:"

7. check the deps, find it added apisix of master-0 to the deps  when execute 
'make deps'
    check the luarocks version, find the version is too older,
    update the latest version  and redo 'make deps',
    get the correct deps.
8. 2nd Run,   sudo make run,   it works well.

From: dabue
Date: 2021-02-03 11:37
To: dev
Subject: Re: [VOTE] Relase Apache APISIX 2.3
+1 binding
I checked:
1. Download links are valid;
2. Checksums and PGP signatures are valid;
3. License and NOTICE files are good;
4. All files have the necessary License header;
5. Build successfully on Ubuntu 16  with Openresty 1.19

6. 1st Run
   It reports "apisix/core/utils.lua:22: module 'resty.dns.client' not found:"

7. append  "lua-resty-dns-client = 5.2.1-1"  to 

8. redo make deps

9. 2nd Run,   sudo make run,   it works well.

From: Zexuan Luo
Date: 2021-02-01 16:50
To: dev
Subject: [VOTE] Relase Apache APISIX 2.3
Hello, Community,
This is a call for the vote to release Apache APISIX version 2.3.
Release notes:
The release candidates:
Release Commit ID:
Keys to verify the Release Candidate:
Steps to validating the release:
1. Download the release
2. Checksums and signatures
wget https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/apisix/KEYS
shasum -c apache-apisix-2.3-src.tgz.sha512
gpg --verify apache-apisix-2.3-src.tgz.asc apache-apisix-2.3-src.tgz
3. Unzip and Check files
tar zxvf apache-apisix-2.3-src.tgz
4. Build Apache APISIX:
The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until necessary number of
votes are reached.
Please vote accordingly:
[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

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