Hi sameera, the images are broken. We cannot use images in the mail
list. You can describe it in words.

BTW, I use `etcdctl del /apisix --prefix` to delete all keys under
`/apisix`, and then use `./bin/apisix init_etcd` to init the key dirs.

*ZhengSong Tu*
My GitHub: https://github.com/tzssangglass
Apache APISIX: https://github.com/apache/apisix

sameera damith <damith.samee...@gmail.com> 于2021年11月17日周三 下午2:13写道:

> Hello,
> I've been working the last few weeks on APISIX, and I'm most familiar with
> it. But in testing practice, I need to delete and re-initiate routes every
> time. But there is no option to delete all or selected routes at once.
> As a result, I produced this locally and removed the selected options.
> [image: apisix-01.png]
> [image: apisix-02.png]
> So it's all right. I'm willing to submit a PR.
> Thank you.

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