> > This is what was scaring me BTW.  I have rolled three times this week, and
> > each time there has been some OS that didn't work.  The first time it was
> > OS/2, then BeOS, now Windows.  It seems to me that because we aren't
> > freezing the tree and asking people to work on stabilizing the code, we
> > are likely to continue to hit this problem.  The big problem is that we
> > have four very different platforms, and it is too easy to accidentally
> > break one when fixing another.  That is a problem, but it is a problem
> > that we aren't fixing right now, so not asking for some sort of code
> > freeze is going to continue to cause these problems IMHO.
> Ryan, the problem is that you are making significant changes that
> effect builds (moving prototypes and creating new header files) and then
> tagging the tree before verifying that it builds on the major platforms.

Take a second look.  The first tag was three days after the scoreboard
change that broke OS/2.  The second was almost a week after (the same
scoreboard change is what broke BeOS), the third change is the only one
that was done immediately following a major change, and that was only
after I had two people tell me to go ahead and tag, and since I wanted to
test my script, I did.

> What not freezing does affect is the probability that someone *other*
> than the RM may make a significant change just prior to the tag.
> Personally, I never encountered that problem as RM.
> BTW, when I said that we needed to build more often, I meant once a week
> at most.  Otherwise, people won't feel it is important to test the
> last build.

As I said when I started this, I was going to roll multiple times, to help
get the process correct.  If I had tagged and rolled once a week, then the
process would have taken three weeks to get down.  As it is, I believe we
have got the process after one week.


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
406 29th St.
San Francisco, CA 94131

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