> gstein      01/02/27 03:34:50
>   Modified:    .        configure.in
>                build    apr_common.m4
>   Log:
>   * configure.in: just call APR_FLAG_HEADERS once. This allows autoconf to
>     loop over the values *once* rather than substituting N loops for header
>     checking. This drops configure's size from 340k down to 255k. (!!!)
>   * apr_common.m4: M4 sees the shell's backslash, so treat it as whitespace in

now APR on Tru64 doesn't think it has stdio.h (sort of; configure
output says we found it; APR_HAVE_STDIO_H is set to zero); a few other
header files aren't substituted properly either...  work-around

yes, this is with a virgin configure.in with none of my changes in it

Jeff Trawick | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP public key at web site:
             Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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