On Tuesday, April 17, 2001, at 08:38 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would like David Reid and Brian Havard (and maybe Fred Sanchez and
either Bill)to sign off on the change before we make it.

I don't think that this will make the DSO code for dyld harder to write... If you give me a day or two, I can verify this by implementing DSO for dyld. But I don't object on those grounds.

However, I do find it bothersome to write API that close a void* handle on a object that we didn't necessarily create; this strikes me as a hack. If we didn't apr_dso_open this handle, it makes no sense to me that we should apr_dso_close it.

I don't consider "merely exposing private functionality" to be any sort of justification. One we expose API, then we're stuck with it. So either mod_perl has to suffer though this until Perl 5.6.2 or APR has to support this forever. I lean towards the former.

But I'm not an APR architect, and so I defer to Ryan/Greg/etc. as to whether such exposure is correct and acceptable.


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