On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 05:33:23AM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> wrowe       01/05/09 22:33:23
>   Modified:    .        aprutil.dsp libaprutil.dsp
>   Log:
>     I _swear_ this was building at one time, yet I see nothing changed,
>     and no attic.  Have folks mucked directly in cvs again, or am I mad?

You're mad.

In any case... in the patch below, *why* is apr-util doing work for Expat?
Shouldn't this stuff be in the Expat .dsp files?

Putting this up in apr-util means that it could easily break when Expat goes
to change how expat.h is built. (which is gonna happen; expat.h will not be


>   --- aprutil.dsp     2001/03/22 05:45:48     1.24
>   +++ aprutil.dsp     2001/05/10 05:33:23     1.25
>   @@ -307,6 +307,35 @@
>    !ENDIF 
>    # End Source File
>   +# Begin Source File
>   +
>   +SOURCE=.\xml\expat\lib\expat.h.in
>   +
>   +!IF  "$(CFG)" == "aprutil - Win32 Release"
>   +
>   +# Begin Custom Build
>   +InputPath=.\xml\expat\lib\expat.h.in
>   +
>   +".\xml\expat\lib\expat.h" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
>   +   copy .\xml\expat\lib\expat.h.in .\xml\expat\lib\expat.h >  nul 
>   +   echo Created expat.h from expat.h.in
>   +   
>   +# End Custom Build
>   +
>   +!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "aprutil - Win32 Debug"
>   +
>   +# Begin Custom Build
>   +InputPath=.\xml\expat\lib\expat.h.in
>   +
>   +".\xml\expat\lib\expat.h" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
>   +   copy .\xml\expat\lib\expat.h.in .\xml\expat\lib\expat.h >  nul 
>   +   echo Created expat.h from expat.h.in
>   +   
>   +# End Custom Build
>   --- libaprutil.dsp  2001/03/22 05:38:45     1.15
>   +++ libaprutil.dsp  2001/05/10 05:33:23     1.16
>   @@ -313,6 +313,35 @@
>    !ENDIF 
>    # End Source File
>   +# Begin Source File
>   +
>   +SOURCE=.\xml\expat\lib\expat.h.in
>   +
>   +!IF  "$(CFG)" == "libaprutil - Win32 Release"
>   +
>   +# Begin Custom Build
>   +InputPath=.\xml\expat\lib\expat.h.in
>   +
>   +".\xml\expat\lib\expat.h" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
>   +   copy .\xml\expat\lib\expat.h.in .\xml\expat\lib\expat.h >  nul 
>   +   echo Created expat.h from expat.h.in
>   +   
>   +# End Custom Build
>   +
>   +!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "libaprutil - Win32 Debug"
>   +
>   +# Begin Custom Build
>   +InputPath=.\xml\expat\lib\expat.h.in
>   +
>   +".\xml\expat\lib\expat.h" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
>   +   copy .\xml\expat\lib\expat.h.in .\xml\expat\lib\expat.h >  nul 
>   +   echo Created expat.h from expat.h.in
>   +   
>   +# End Custom Build
>   +
>   +!ENDIF 
>   +
>   +# End Source File
>    # End Group
>    # Begin Group "External Headers"

Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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