hiya david,

i just want to double-check something.  i got caught out by
creating cookies of 1 year which actually turned into 30 seconds
because apr_time_t is in microseconds :) :)

so, could you confirm at the points below for me?   thanks

also, i should point out some experience from seeing over-the-wire
stuff from SMB, which may be relevant to NT.

> We wrote the apr_implode_time routine to take an exploded time structure
> (that is an APR only structure) and create a time_t from it.  There is no

do you mean a time_t or do you mean an apr_time_t?  the external
interface is apr_time_t.

you are referring to internal implementation details, yes?

> This is quick and easy and makes sense (I hope) to everyone reading it.  Yes
> it is server oriented but then it also works for client apps.  Brane's
> addition of apr_implode_gmt helps with those apps that demand a GMT/UTC
> time.


microsoft's implementation of GMT over-the-wire is... uhhh...  wrong!
[they couldn't even implement a well-known algorithm correctly, having
used localtimes for years.  and of course, once released, they have
to _keep_ it because it's too late by then, you and everyone else
and their mothers have to be backwards-compatible with KludgeGMT...]

what they actually do is reverse-convert-back from localtime, but
they do it at the wrong times, such that for about a day or so
around daylight saving time changes, GMT goes haywire +/- one hour.

it may be time well worth spent investigating whether the top-level
NT API that gives you GMT is as equally broken or not w.r.t file
timestamps and time creation. etc.  or whether you have to do
the conversion _correctly_ yourselves.

all best,


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